

It’s obvious that if you are the company director of an on-line marketing campaign, you have three basic hurdles to overcome. First you have to get your prospective customer to "opt-in" as a subscriber to your web site.  Your next hope is that your messages aren’t diverted to "spam" or that the viewer systematically selects "delete” without opening them.  And lastly, in an age of "infobesity," you don't want your subscribers to take the fatal step of "unsubscribing" from further e-mails.  StarProg is an online publishing web site that provides content delivery solutions for e-commerce marketing campaigns designed to overcome those obstacles. 

To be effective, web content must be both captivating and sustainable.   It must appeal to the interests of the users which are presumably your company’s current subscribers and prospective customers for your products and services.  People want to socialize, be entertained, educated, challenged, plus a host of other motivators.  They want to be recognized as individuals in their own world and they generally respond positively to personalization.  Your challenge of course is to understand and use those motivators to gain their trust and build relationships that develop into sales conversions.                                                                                                   

With that objective and those motivators in mind, StarProg has produced a fully functional live advergaming web site featuring our News Prediction game.  Trivia along with other card and board games, competitions and StarProg's unique supporting features are all designed to provide a captivating social environment for our participants (See DESCRIPTION below).  The nature of the web site motivates player-users to visit the web site on a daily basis and to view several pages with each visit.                                                               

We realized early on in developing our StarProg marketing concept that it is you, the merchant- advertiser who keeps the internet economically viable and sustainable.  To that end we made the decision to depart from the customary practice of developing web content and then farming out restricted ad space on StarProg to various ad agencies.  Instead we concluded that we could publish, transmit and project the entire content of StarProg simultaneously across multiple platforms.  In other words, through a collaborative process with multiple retailer merchants, product manufacturers and service providers our entire “powered by StarProg” web site experience could be replicated on multiple customizable web sites simultaneously.  You as the subscriber own and manage your distinct customizable site which serves as a complimentary web site and marketing channel to your existing commercial site and other channels.  No disruptions.

On a contractual basis, StarProg provides all of the StarProg web site content, live to your customized site in a template format as web applications.  On the remainder of the web site pages, your customized site serves as a canvas for your creative marketers to project your brand, publish your marketing messages and surveys and present sales offerings of your products and services.  Nothing prevents you from independently operating your own contests, games and incentives or from contracting out available ad space to your affiliates on the site.  You make the decisions as to what ads and messages appear and how they are presented.                

With a user’s selection of multiple web pages inherent in the nature of the StarProg gaming experience, your designers have abundant opportunities to construct links to transport users to your established commercial site.  Numerous opportunities have been created to embed your influence within our StarProg content such as sponsorships of various game elements along with displays of your logos and marketing messages.  The concept allows your “powered by StarProg” customized site to evolve as a trusted source that systematically enhances your relationship with each individual player-user in their gaming experience.  Our collaborative goal is to provide a viable venue whereby your marketing and sales messages take on a persistent and invitational relationship with your current and potential customers.  Utilizing captivating content that keeps your company “top of mind”, your marketing and sales messages take on a persistent and invitational relationship with your current and potential customers; all designed to achieve your marketing objectives.                                                                                                                                                                      

We, at StarProg, consider ourselves more of a concept and technical development team as opposed to marketers and prefer to leave those complex nuances of marketing expertise up to you.  We confidently believe, however, that we have developed a transformational leading edge instrument that will advance the metrics of your company’s branding and sales efforts.   We would welcome the opportunity to communicate personally with a representative in your marketing department as to how you might view the adaptability of our “powered by StarProg” instrument in your company’s campaign.  Please contact us at support@starprog.com or call Jess at (mobile) 360-281-0152  or  DEB at (mobile) 360-901-2558.  Enjoy your success.




StarProg.  It's FREE.  It's FUN. And there  are valuable PRIZES to be WON.  What more could an internet explorer ask for. For centuries people have looked to the stars and prognosticated as to what the vast universe around us holds in store. Narrowing those predictions into what’s happening in the world today helped us establish the core principles for the creation and development of the StarProg website.

While we may never unlock all the answers to the universe, we are committed to providing enthusiasts of our site the ability to predict the future of current and ongoing events. We also figured, while we’re at it, we'd throw in daily trivia questions to further challenge your knowledge and a couple of card games, Blackjack and Solitaiare for your liesure time..   and we’ll continue to develop other highly informative & engaging challenges to perpetually expand the entertainment experience of our players. And to top it all off, we are dedicated in our belief that we can continue to provide a website that is 100% free of charge to our users, with no hidden fees or requirements to download game materials or software.

Why is providing a FREE site so important to us? Because giving every player the chance to win valuable prizes with no strings attached, is what sets us apart from our main competitors. StarProg is constantly seeking top-flight "powered by StarProg" affiliates who see value in having their products and services made available to our expansive user base. We have implemented a repetitive system to award valuable prizes on both monthly and quarterly Prize Ticket drawings based upon points earned in Predictions and Trivia as well as our unique Individual and Team LadderBoard weekly competitions.  Please review our Official and Game Rules to learn more about these outstanding features and the winning opportunities they present.

Our company is based in Vancouver, Washington. We are continuing our growth, building around a core group of diverse team committed to creating relevant gaming elements and implementing leading edge innovations that outpace the Internet’s rapidly evolving technologies. Most importantly, we are all dedicated to earning your trust, and ensuring that you, your friends, and family thoroughly enjoy StarProg and reap the rewards of our informative and entertaining online experience.